“Euclid’s first common notion is this: things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. That’s a rule of mathematical reasoning. It’s true because it works. Has done and always will do. In his book, Euclid says this is ‘self-evident.’You see, there it is, even in that 2,000-year-old book of mechanical law. It is a self-evident truth that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other.”这部电影中的Mary让我想起远在杭州的姨妈. 姨妈是个美女,50岁有余,我高中的时候说她长得像我们年轻男生的“大众情人”波多野结衣“,整得全家狂笑. 但是姨妈终身未嫁,却又终身觊觎爱情. 每次去杭州,急于给我找对象的也总是她. 看完电影之后,我觉得她就是生活中的Mary,还好在她的生活中还有一个身体健康的母亲和她聊聊,以及伴之而来的痛并快乐的俄狄浦斯情结,否则“无限的寂寞”绝对会摧毁她的神经. 这就是Mary这样的人物在现实中的折射,当然这样的折射早已飘扬过海,在我这个观众过度敏感的潜意识里从伦敦漂回了家. 恐怕这就是迈克李这部电影的高明之处,因为它不再是电影,借用罗杰艾伯特那句俗套的回忆录名称,它是Life itself.